Tommy Davidson ~ Special Event

Sat, Dec 28, 2024
Sun, Dec 29, 2024

Tommy Davidson ~ Special Event

David­son started his career as a standup come­dian in Wash­ing­ton DC, earn­ing an ardent fol­low­ing via hard work in var­i­ous com­edy clubs. As one of the cutting-edge, young stand-ups, he was spot­ted by huge con­cert pro­mot­ers, who booked him as the open­ing act for major tour­ing acts includ­ing Patti LaBelle, Kenny G and Luther Van­dross. It wasn’t long before he came to Hol­ly­wood per­form­ing stand-up at a num­ber of clubs, includ­ing the Com­edy Act The­atre, where he met Robert Townsend which led to his first national tele­vi­sion appear­ance with a star­ring role in Part­ners in Crime. This was the con­duit to Keenan Ivory Wayans, who proved instru­men­tal in Davidson’s career by offer­ing him an oppor­tu­nity to audi­tion and join the uniquely tal­ented cast of the most adven­tur­ous prime­time vari­ety show of its day, In Liv­ing Color. He, Jamie Foxx, Jim Car­rey and Damon Wayans made tv his­tory with their originality. Tommy’s impres­sive film debut was oppo­site Halle Berry in Strictly Busi­ness. He imme­di­ately segued select high-profile films includ­ing oppo­site Jada Pin­kett Smith in the roman­tic com­edy, Woo (New Line) and in the provoca­tive urban com­edy, Booty Call (Colum­bia Pic­tures). His cred­its include numer­ous fea­ture film roles from Spike Lee’s Bam­boo­zled, where he received acclaim and praise for his turn as “Womack/Sleep ‘N Eats,” to Juwanna Mann (Mor­gan Creek Pro­duc­tions’) and the piv­otal cameo in Jim Carrey’s Ace Ven­tura II: When Nature Calls, which has become a cult favorite. Davidson’s hilar­i­ous impres­sions of Sammy Davis, Jr., Michael Jack­son and other icons have become infa­mous. His vis­i­bil­ity on In Liv­ing Color led to three Show­time spe­cials: On Strength of New York, Illin’ in Philly and Takin’ it to DC. His elas­tic­ity as a per­former who deliv­ers on both the big and small screen led to other projects like the lead in the Disney’s ani­mated series, The Proud Fam­ily and as one of the hosts on FOX’s pop­u­lar The NFL Show, along­side foot­ball greats Michael Irvin and Tony Sir­a­gusa. David­son also por­trays the lead in Will Smith’s up-and-coming ani­mated series, Youngin’s. Tommy stars – along with 80 other star stand-ups – in I Am Comic, oppo­site Tim Allen, Lewis Black, Sarah Sil­ver­man, Car­los Men­cia, Jeff Fox­wor­thy and Kathy Grif­fin. The film, which pre­miered on Show­time, is one of Netflix’s sure­fire hits enjoy­ing a con­tin­ual surge as a favorite with con­sumers. David­son scored big with review­ers and audi­ences alike oppo­site Michael Jai White in the critically-lauded spoof com­edy, Black Dyna­mite (Sony Pic­tures), last year’s big Sun­dance hit which is cur­rently being adapted as a car­toon for Adult Swim. He is receiv­ing crit­i­cal raves for a cameo in Ahmed Ahmed’s award-winning doc­u­men­tary, Just Like Us, a fea­ture film mas­ter­piece which is a cross-cultural study of stand-up com­edy bridg­ing all eth­nic­i­ties. Tommy trav­els inter­na­tion­ally sell­ing out every venue in which he head­lines. He leaves an indeli­ble, ever­last­ing image with all audi­ences who still chuckle on the way home.