December 28 - December 29

Tommy Davidson ~ Special Event


Tommy Davidson ~ Special Event

David­son started his career as a standup come­dian in Wash­ing­ton DC, earn­ing an ardent fol­low­ing via hard work in var­i­ous com­edy clubs. As one of the cutting-edge, young stand-ups, he was spot­ted by huge con­cert pro­mot­ers, who booked him as the open­ing act for major tour­ing acts includ­ing Patti LaBelle, Kenny G and Luther Van­dross. It wasn’t long before he came to Hol­ly­wood per­form­ing stand-up at a num­ber of clubs, includ­ing the Com­edy Act The­atre, where he met Robert Townsend which led to his first national tele­vi­sion appear­ance with a star­ring role in Part­ners in Crime. This was the con­duit to Keenan Ivory Wayans, who proved instru­men­tal in Davidson’s career by offer­ing him an oppor­tu­nity to audi­tion and join the uniquely tal­ented cast of the most adven­tur­ous prime­time vari­ety show of its day, In Liv­ing Color. He, Jamie Foxx, Jim Car­rey and Damon Wayans made tv his­tory with their originality. Tommy’s impres­sive film debut was oppo­site Halle Berry in Strictly Busi­ness. He imme­di­ately segued select high-profile films includ­ing oppo­site Jada Pin­kett Smith in the roman­tic com­edy, Woo (New Line) and in the provoca­tive urban com­edy, Booty Call (Colum­bia Pic­tures). His cred­its include numer­ous fea­ture film roles from Spike Lee’s Bam­boo­zled, where he received acclaim and praise for his turn as “Womack/Sleep ‘N Eats,” to Juwanna Mann (Mor­gan Creek Pro­duc­tions’) and the piv­otal cameo in Jim Carrey’s Ace Ven­tura II: When Nature Calls, which has become a cult favorite. Davidson’s hilar­i­ous impres­sions of Sammy Davis, Jr., Michael Jack­son and other icons have become infa­mous. His vis­i­bil­ity on In Liv­ing Color led to three Show­time spe­cials: On Strength of New York, Illin’ in Philly and Takin’ it to DC. His elas­tic­ity as a per­former who deliv­ers on both the big and small screen led to other projects like the lead in the Disney’s ani­mated series, The Proud Fam­ily and as one of the hosts on FOX’s pop­u­lar The NFL Show, along­side foot­ball greats Michael Irvin and Tony Sir­a­gusa. David­son also por­trays the lead in Will Smith’s up-and-coming ani­mated series, Youngin’s. Tommy stars – along with 80 other star stand-ups – in I Am Comic, oppo­site Tim Allen, Lewis Black, Sarah Sil­ver­man, Car­los Men­cia, Jeff Fox­wor­thy and Kathy Grif­fin. The film, which pre­miered on Show­time, is one of Netflix’s sure­fire hits enjoy­ing a con­tin­ual surge as a favorite with con­sumers. David­son scored big with review­ers and audi­ences alike oppo­site Michael Jai White in the critically-lauded spoof com­edy, Black Dyna­mite (Sony Pic­tures), last year’s big Sun­dance hit which is cur­rently being adapted as a car­toon for Adult Swim. He is receiv­ing crit­i­cal raves for a cameo in Ahmed Ahmed’s award-winning doc­u­men­tary, Just Like Us, a fea­ture film mas­ter­piece which is a cross-cultural study of stand-up com­edy bridg­ing all eth­nic­i­ties. Tommy trav­els inter­na­tion­ally sell­ing out every venue in which he head­lines. He leaves an indeli­ble, ever­last­ing image with all audi­ences who still chuckle on the way home.
12/28/2024 7:00 PM

Door Time: 6:00 PM

Other Showtimes

The club entrance is now located at the main entrance of the hotel.


Age Requirement: This is a 21 and over club.

There is a 2-drink minimum per person in the showroom. Soda, juice and water qualify. If you aren't drinking alcohol, the Bottomless is your only option. $15.00 for unlimited soda, juice and water.

If Preferred seating is offered AND you purchase them, you are guaranteed the best seats AS LONG AS YOU ARRIVE at the club 45 minutes prior to showtime (otherwise you will lose your seating status). Beginning with our February show and going forward, all Preferred Tickets will be sold in pairs. Every Preferred purchase will include 2 tickets. *** PLEASE BE AWARE NOT ALL SHOWS HAVE PREFERRED SEATING TICKETS OFFERED. IT IS UP TO THE COMIC THE TYPE OF TICKETS BEING SOLD. ***

Anyone arriving 45 minutes after your scheduled show time will not be permitted to enter. Please be aware that if you do not pick your tickets up 30 minutes prior to your show time, they could be subject to be resold. Especially on busy, sold-out weekends.

This is LIVE comedy. The length/start & end time/material is all to the discretion of the comic. The club has no control over that.

Our entire food menu is provided by The Best Western Plus Hotel. Any issues or concerns with food can be sent to

The club entrance is now located inside at the main entrance of the Best Western Hotel. 5625 O'Donnell Street.

There is free parking on site.

All sales are final. There are NO Refunds, No Exchanges. No Exceptions.

All shows are 21 and over.

We sell our Preferred tickets in pairs only.

There is always a two drink minimum per person during any show, however, the drinks do not have to be alcoholic.

You must arrive 30 minutes prior to your showtime to guarantee your seat. Once the Headliner goes on stage, the room closes. You will not be permitted to enter 45 minutes after your showtime.

David­son started his career as a standup come­dian in Wash­ing­ton DC, earn­ing an ardent fol­low­ing via hard work in var­i­ous com­edy clubs. As one of the cutting-edge, young stand-ups, he was spot­ted by huge con­cert pro­mot­ers, who booked him as the open­ing act for major tour­ing acts includ­ing Patti LaBelle, Kenny G and Luther Van­dross. It wasn’t long before he came to Hol­ly­wood per­form­ing stand-up at a num­ber of clubs, includ­ing the Com­edy Act The­atre, where he met Robert Townsend which led to his first national tele­vi­sion appear­ance with a star­ring role in Part­ners in Crime. This was the con­duit to Keenan Ivory Wayans, who proved instru­men­tal in Davidson’s career by offer­ing him an oppor­tu­nity to audi­tion and join the uniquely tal­ented cast of the most adven­tur­ous prime­time vari­ety show of its day, In Liv­ing Color. He, Jamie Foxx, Jim Car­rey and Damon Wayans made tv his­tory with their originality. Tommy’s impres­sive film debut was oppo­site Halle Berry in Strictly Busi­ness. He imme­di­ately segued select high-profile films includ­ing oppo­site Jada Pin­kett Smith in the roman­tic com­edy, Woo (New Line) and in the provoca­tive urban com­edy, Booty Call (Colum­bia Pic­tures). His cred­its include numer­ous fea­ture film roles from Spike Lee’s Bam­boo­zled, where he received acclaim and praise for his turn as “Womack/Sleep ‘N Eats,” to Juwanna Mann (Mor­gan Creek Pro­duc­tions’) and the piv­otal cameo in Jim Carrey’s Ace Ven­tura II: When Nature Calls, which has become a cult favorite. Davidson’s hilar­i­ous impres­sions of Sammy Davis, Jr., Michael Jack­son and other icons have become infa­mous. His vis­i­bil­ity on In Liv­ing Color led to three Show­time spe­cials: On Strength of New York, Illin’ in Philly and Takin’ it to DC. His elas­tic­ity as a per­former who deliv­ers on both the big and small screen led to other projects like the lead in the Disney’s ani­mated series, The Proud Fam­ily and as one of the hosts on FOX’s pop­u­lar The NFL Show, along­side foot­ball greats Michael Irvin and Tony Sir­a­gusa. David­son also por­trays the lead in Will Smith’s up-and-coming ani­mated series, Youngin’s. Tommy stars – along with 80 other star stand-ups – in I Am Comic, oppo­site Tim Allen, Lewis Black, Sarah Sil­ver­man, Car­los Men­cia, Jeff Fox­wor­thy and Kathy Grif­fin. The film, which pre­miered on Show­time, is one of Netflix’s sure­fire hits enjoy­ing a con­tin­ual surge as a favorite with con­sumers. David­son scored big with review­ers and audi­ences alike oppo­site Michael Jai White in the critically-lauded spoof com­edy, Black Dyna­mite (Sony Pic­tures), last year’s big Sun­dance hit which is cur­rently being adapted as a car­toon for Adult Swim. He is receiv­ing crit­i­cal raves for a cameo in Ahmed Ahmed’s award-winning doc­u­men­tary, Just Like Us, a fea­ture film mas­ter­piece which is a cross-cultural study of stand-up com­edy bridg­ing all eth­nic­i­ties. Tommy trav­els inter­na­tion­ally sell­ing out every venue in which he head­lines. He leaves an indeli­ble, ever­last­ing image with all audi­ences who still chuckle on the way home.